Draft demos: Copy As Markdown & Save As Markdown

This would be awesome, and would completely solve the problem for me! Thanks again.

Sounds good! I realize this is low priority :slight_smile: In any case it sounds like complexpoint is planning to share a script that will solve the problem for my use case (I don’t use KeyboardMaestro, but I do use pandoc). Thanks for the great work you do!

A first draft of a Pandoc reader for Bike seems to be working, with:

  • Top N levels as headings
  • Specific level(s) → flat Para (rather than indented BulletList)
  • automatic closing-up of empty (unordered list – bullet) lines.

I haven’t yet implemented:

  • Successive completely Code-formatted lines → Pandoc CodeBlock, or
  • Successive (> prefixed ?) lines → Pandoc BlockQuote

Are there any other Bike → Pandoc mappings that might help ?

  • Rows with numeric prefixes → Pandoc OrderedList ?
  • Optional preservation of empty lines, but without bullets ?
  • *** → Pandoc HorizontalRule ?

Anything else ?


I think the main additional mapping that comes up a lot in my use case (lecture notes and handouts for academic lectures/talks) and would be very helpful is

  • Rows with numeric prefixes → Pandoc OrderedList

Quotes would also be fantastic, and using > prefixing makes a lot of sense to me (in part because markdown is so ubiquitous)

Many thanks!

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I’ll take a look this weekend.

I would love to see this script also handling hyperlinks :pray:

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In the meanwhile, if you just want a markdown file which is a simple bulleted outline, but with markdown links, you can install Pandoc, and use a command line like:

pandoc -f html -t commonmark someFile.bike --lua-filter=vanilla.lua > someFile.md

where vanilla.lua (which mainly strips out id annotations, and adjusts the export of highlights and strikethroughs) should be a file containing the following lua script:

Expand disclosure triangle to view Lua source
-- Shedding empty lines
function BulletList(x)
    return pandoc.BulletList(
            function(xs) return nil ~= next(xs) end

-- Shedding any Div wrappers
function Div(x)
    return x.content

-- Optional MD version of Highlight
function Span(x)
    if "mark" == x.classes[1] then
        if FORMAT:match 'docx' then
            x.attributes['custom-style'] = 'MarkYellow'
        elseif FORMAT:match '^.*mark' then
            return {
                    "==" .. pandoc.utils.stringify(
                    ) .. "=="

    return x

-- Optional MD version of Strikeout
function Strikeout(x)
    -- This is just an alternative to flanking MD text
    -- with <s> .. </s> (See, for example iAWriter MD)
    if FORMAT:match '^.*mark' then
        return pandoc.Str(
            "~~" .. pandoc.utils.stringify(
            ) .. "~~"
        return x
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Export the markdown of some selected bike files to a specific location with one click.
Thanks for your code that made my workflow possible.

The default location of pandoc filters is under here. creat the file so you can use .lua directly without the path.