Does Taskmator support iCloud Sync?

Does this Taskmator app support iCloud Sync? Is it good for taskpaper files? In terms of note taking and task management, Taskpaper is certainly the best.


Hi @akroshjagriti,

I just google taskmator. I was assuming that they had a website, forum, or something like that to offer support. It looks as if the developer only has a youtube channel and a twitter account. I think that your best bet for support is to contact the developer through Twitter. They also have a youtube channel with some videos.

It was in the youtube channel that I found the answer to your question. This forum is specific to TaskPaper. Maybe someone here will be able to help you with your taskmator questions, but TaskPaper is a complete different program with a different developer, with different everything (only sharing the format.) Hope the link helps.

Taskmator iCloud Sync

There’s a discussion of TM and alternatives here:

Taskmator app support iCloud Sync using Files App Integration. Please check out this video on youtube to check out iCloud Sync in Taskmator