Data lost when opening OPML exported from Newsblur

I had hoped to use Bike to clean up an OPML file of my feeds in the RSS reader Newsblur.

When I opened the file in Bike, only the Title of the outline item, was shown, with nothing visible under the disclosure triangle.

In BBEdit, I see, for example, <outline text="Farnam Street" title="Farnam Street" type="rss" version="RSS" htmlUrl="" xmlUrl="" />

in Bike, after saving the file, I see <outline id="Mj" text="Farnam Street"/>

Perhaps I am missing the point, but I had hoped that Bike would preserve all the information for each row it is importing.

Grateful for any advice.



We could certainly write you a script to import the additional attributes (other than text) from an .opml file to a .bike file, which would retain them on save, but current builds of Bike don’t include a mechanism for displaying additional attributes in the GUI.

A more specialised script could read the additional attribute name:value pairs to outline children, or inline tags, to make them visible in the Bike outliner in one format or another, but …

perhaps, at this stage, OmniOutliner (with its columnar display of additional attribute values) is a more natural vehicle for opening and editing OPML with additional attributes ?

@complexpoint I think @jcherfas is just asking about round trip preserving the attributes, not displaying them. And I would have thought that would work, but it isn’t. I’m looking into that now.

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Understood – I thought perhaps there was an expectation that further attribute values might appear as children


I see the problem now. When adding rich text support I started removing attributes for formats that didn’t support rich text. OPML is the odd case because it doesn’t support text span level attributes, but it does support row level attributes. @jcherfas will try to get a fix into the next release.

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Thanks for your attention. Indeed, I am not that concerned about seeing the additional attributes, as my main intention is to move items in the OPML and perhaps delete some, all without borking the OPML structure. It was the fact that I couldn’t see the additional items that led me to check whether they were in fact present or not, and they aren’t.

I look forward to a fix.

Please try this latest preview release. I think the OPML attributes problem should be fixed there: Bike 1.8.2 (99-100) Preview

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Perfect; thank you very much indeed

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