Cyrillic fonts issues

In the latest preview versions there are several issues with texts in Cyrillic. They are most likely fonts issues, but I have not found where I can change the font.

Cyrillic notes are not cursive - Monosnap
Bold text of project name is bigger in Cyrillic - Monosnap
Cyrillic list item text is slightly bigger - Monosnap
Tags text in Cyrillic is slightly bigger too - Monosnap
These issues are not reproduced in the TaskPaper 2.3.2

Here is the test text in Cyrillic which I used, so you can just paste it.

Some project Проект:
This note in English is cursive.
The following line is a note in Cyrillic, and it will be not cursive
це нота кирилицею і вона не набрана курсивом
- tasks are ok in English
- but in Cyrillic the font is slightly bigger ось як він виглядає
- а тепер окремо
- what about @tags
- tags are ok in @English @Кирилиця
- in Cyrillic they look @інакше

Hi, truth is I’m not really sure how font substitution works either :slight_smile: But if you change the font in your theme it fixes the problem. Follow these instructions to edit your theme:

And then change the font to Helvetica Neue and I think that will fix the problem.