Can't link to rows in duplicated files

I have a directory of journal entries, each named after the date I wrote them on. For a while, I would create a new entry by duplicating the most recent entry in Finder, then opening it in Bike.

Unfortunately, it looks like all the entries I created that way got the same ID, so when I try to link to a row in one of them, all of them open and Bike shows an error about not being able to find the linked row. Oops.

Is there any way for me to fix this situation to make these files linkable? I don’t have any links to these files, so I’m okay overwriting their IDs. I just don’t know if there’s a sanctioned way to do it.

Yes, make the root ids unique (close document first) and that should fix. For example the root ID in this document is 5XPLVmzy.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="">
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <ul id="5XPLVmzy">
      <li id="vE">
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