I am using this search to display a list of projects by their positions (starting at 18, and going beyond the end of the list):
project[18:99]//not @done
I go beyond the end of the list of projects, so that I can list everything (from the 18th project to the end), regardless of the current length of my list of projects.
At the end of the list are four projects that I want to not display (Play:, Learn:, Explore: and Write:).
Can the above search be adjusted to not include those four projects in the search results?
They are always there at the end of my projects lists. Often, I want to hide them from the main list, which is why I wanted the above search.
In my current list, you can see that Try NitroVitamin: is the last project before the Play/Learn/Explore/Write projects:
And if I run the above query, I get a list of projects that is about the last third of my entire list, to the end, but hiding the Play/Learn/Explore/Write/Archive projects: