Bike: Navigation

Bike Outliner adds inline navigation buttons so you can zoom through your outline with just your mouse. It also adds a navigation bar with back and forward history and breadcrumbs.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Bike navigation release is out!

I think my focus next release will be to cleanup settings. My plan is to move all the Editor settings out of editor panel and into separate interface associated with a particular view. Goal is that you’ll be able to have per document editor settings. And also support for different settings when in fullscreen mode. Also sets UI up for eventually stylesheet rules (unlikely in next release).

That’s the goal anyway.


Jesse: I would happily renew even if I got Bike less than a year ago! I love and it has become an essential part of my productivity toolkit.


Thanks and wonderful to hear! I’ll keep working on it.

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Any word on when this update drops in Apple App store?

This version (1.12-135) should already be in the App Store. It appears to be there for me since Monday. You are not seeing it?

I am not seeing it. I am in the Slovenian App Store though, so it’s possible that there’s a delay in distribution.

yes - I like the focus mode, (although it made more sense to me in the video than the text)
highlighting the line being edited really helps

just renewed - very willingly
just found how the formatting works ( although I suspect it’s been around for a while) - I tend to prefer keystrokes over mouse actions - that’s a great combination of memory jogger / educator with the keystroke indicated underneath

and just to note I appreciate the Hookmark integration.

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By the way, I wanted to mention that I love the new navigation button thingies. They are fantastic. Great & user-friendly design.