Bike Integration of Grammarly and Apple AI

When can we expect for Bike Integration of Grammarly and Apple AI?



First I don’t know about Grammarly.

I believe Apple AI currently works, but in a limited fashion. For example you can select text in Bike, right click and choose Writing Tools > Make Friendly … and then you will get a friendly version generated.

On the other hand I think there are other features that don’t work… I was just trying to test those out in TextEdit, and I kept crashing the app. I think that’s another thing, these API are still a bit new and brittle.

And of rather limited utility ?

Apple bought into peak LLM, but is likely, I think to be regretting it, after debacles like this:

Apple suspends AI-generated news alert service after BBC complaint | Apple | The Guardian

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There’s definitely that too. I would still like to integrate with it since it’s a standard system tech now, and expect (I would hope!) to get better.

But it is a little hard for me to know what people will do with it in LLM. In programming I don’t yet really use, but I can imagine using in future, LLMs. I have a harder time knowing what I would do with them in Bike.

Examples of what people would want to do would help. Again, this isn’t really a focus for me right now, but examples will help get me thinking about it.

Here are a few that are top of mind, though implementing them might be difficult:

  1. Creating an organised tree structure from disorganised content. Brainstorming sessions, drafts, etc. — basically create new rows and move stuff around but don’t modify the original content.
  2. Create structures that require tedious repetition eg. give me a numbered template tree structure for each of my 50 chapters of my book, and use Roman numerals for numbering
  3. Recognise mentions to existing rows inside content and replace mentions with hyperlinks to those rows
  4. Chat with content of Bike file — preferably through some local LLM variant (Ollama, LMStudio)
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