I’m a longtime user of FoldingText. I used to use Taskpaper for a bit, and now came back. Your stuff is just fantastic. Kudos to you. I am so impressed with the new Taskpaper. Of course, I’ll probably run into stuff that I want to do this way or that way, and I’ll probably run into stuff that isn’t clicking exactly right or isn’t in place yet. But, software is always a work-in-progress, and no software can satisfy every itch. It’s up to the developer to make the call, and stick to your vision. And, I just want to say that this is pretty awesome. I’m coming to really appreciate the high quality craftsmanship that you and other developers (e.g., Ulysses, Day One, Drafts, etc.) bring. And, you are a one-person operation, as far as I know. That’s quite remarkable!