White background without using Less?

Hi there- I’d like a quick fix (if possible) to have my TaskPaper window be white background, black text, instead of the reverse, without doing the whole style sheet thing… or if I must do the style sheet thing, is there a way to do that without buying additional software in order to use Less?
many thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

If you take a look at the Wiki, there are a bunch of stylesheets listed.

If you find one that you like, download it. Then put in the StyleSheets folder. Finally, in TaskPaper, select it in Window > StyleSheets menu, and you are set.

If I understand correctly your goal is:

  1. You want your Mac UI to be in Dark Mode
  2. You want TaskPaper to show black on white text?

(If your Mac is not in Dark Mode then TaskPaper should already be showing black on white text)

Anyway to force show black text on white background you just need this stylesheet:

@text-color: black;
@background-color: white;

You don’t need a special app to edit TaskPaper stylesheets… and plain text editor will work. In fact you can open the default stylesheet in TaskPaper if you want and then delete everything in existing stylesheet and paste in the above content. Save and you should be set.

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