What's the latest on "Quick Entry" solutions for TaskPaper 3?

Even after changing the filePath variable, I am having trouble getting this to work, either as a Keyboard Maestro macro or directly through TaskPaper’s palette with the script file in the script folder.

In the case of the script file, I get the following error:

The operation couldn’t be completed. ~/[my path]/Library/Application Scripts/com.hogbaysoftware.TaskPaper3.direct/ubiquitous capture.scpt: execution error: Error: Error: Can’t convert types. (-1700)

And the Keyboard Maestro macro throws a similar error that it “Cant convert types. (-1700)”.

Any ideas of what I might be doing wrong?

Two quick things to check:

  • I assume that you don’t literally have the string[my path] in your file path ? I would normally have expected (given the tilde, with already represents the path to your home directory), to see your script installed in the folder: ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/TaskPaper/
  • make sure that you have copied the entire script, scrolling right down to the last line – it’s very easy to miss a line or two at the end.

This Keyboard Maestro copy seems to be working here:

This seems to be working here:

Quick Entry for TaskPaper 3 .kmmacros.zip (5.8 KB)

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  1. The path is fine.
  2. I had copied Jim’s script above in its entirety, but still got errors.

Thank you for the KM macro. I got it working, and will just stick with that! :slight_smile: