Tasks displayed in a centered column - how to set the Content's max width? (Solved)

They should both be in there, though they are a bit hidden and untested.

To enable typewriter mode add this to your stylesheet:

editor {
  typewriter-scroll-percent: 50%;
  bottom-padding-percent: 50%;

The second bottom-padding-percent isn’t strictly necessary, but often people like it with typewriter mode.

To enable wrap to column try:

editor {
  editor-wrap-to-column: 80;
  item-wrap-to-column: 66;

The editor-wrap-to-column value is for centering… 80 columns is the max with that any text can go and the text view is centered based on that. The item-wrap-to-column is the max with of any particular items text. Making it a bit less then editor-wrap-to-column can be nice because it means when you indent items that don’t automatically change there text wrapping (so view is more stable) unless you indent them fairly deep.