Script: Sorting top level projects alphabetically

Thanks. I am connecting online when I choose to for the time being. Most of the time it is not so easy to check online manuals and videos as I don’t have easy access to what is online.

The only really important question that I am asking here though is, what is meant by a TaskPaper script? I can understand if a JavaScript is written that will work well in a TaskPaper document. I can use Keyboard Maestro to apply to selected text in a TaskPaper document.

But, when I hear that there is TaskPaper scripting, and I keep looking for some built in menu or built in trigger in TaskPaper to use such a script, and I can’t find one, that is why I get confused.

My only question really is, how are these scripts stored and, how are these scripts triggered? Again, if it as I just said and the scripts are intended to go in any app that will run java script on selected text in TaskPaper, such as Keyboard Maestro, then we are golden here. I already know what to do with scripts if this is what is meant here.


Post Script: From reviewing this page, my understandng was correct. Keyboard maestro will do nicely for exploring using scripting with TaskPaper.