How do I make a TaskPaper StyleSheet?

It does! :sunglasses: Once again: thank you very much!

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Sorry, basic question. When I open theme.less in TextEdit, all I see is a line saying to see . What am I doing wrong?

Nothing, that’s what you should see. You can find the base theme here:

Then you can add rules to your own theme that add new styles or override existing styles defined in that base theme.

That worked, thanks! The mistake I was making is I had put in:

item[data-type=“note”] {

in order to clear the italic style, but I realized I need to put in:

item[data-type=“note”] {
font-style: none;

Jesse, may you please put the old documentation online, for us users of obsolete version?


I think this should give you the latest 3.3 documentation:

If I use a monospaced font, the notes don’t line up with the items:

Any ideas how to fix this?

(This is the Light.less theme with the following line added: @font-family: 'SF Mono';)

There’s not a great solution, but please see the discussion here:

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I’m unable to get themes to work.
0) Quit TaskPaper

  1. On this page I’ve selected all the text in the code box.
  2. I’ve pasted that into a plain text file (Using TextEdit)
  3. Named this file “user.less”
  4. Placed this file in directory noel/library/Application Support/TaskPaper/user.less
  5. Re-Launch task paper.

The theme is never applied. Sorry if I’m missing something obvious.

I’m using the direct download purchased app.

Also FYI several links above are no longer found:

Sorry the information in this thread is outdated. Please see this new documentation:

Summary – mostly the same, but when TaskPaper got the ability to switch between stylesheets the stylesheet location changed.

Struggling with theming and finding the guide non too helpful.

I would like to make the note fields a light shade of grey. How do I achieve this? The background-color only styles the text background not the whole note section.

I need some easy visual to distinguish between a note and a task and project.

many thanks

Here’s a style that will make notes grey and make them use normal font instead of italic font:

item[data-type="note"] {
  font-style: normal;
  color: gray;