Export to Word or RTF?

I think a standard export from and outline to word is difficult, since each user might use/structure their outline in different ways. Make sure to search Bike’s forums for scripts/pandoc/etc. There are a number of custom solutions that people have made.

One of the most recent is:

Export to Word or RTF?

Bike does have some built in support for RTF. For example create a .rtf document in text edit. Save it. And then you can open it directly in Bike. It’s imperfect… you will be missing a number of Bike features such as row types, row attributes and ID’s… but maybe it helps.

Also in any Bike outline you can copy the “inline” formatting as RTF. What I mean is any formatting that you apply directly to selected text … bold, italic, links… but not row level formatting such as task checkboxes, heading bold style.

To copy inline formatting use Bike > Edit > Copy > Rich Text, then Paste into a rich text document in TextEdit. It’s important to use that version of copy, instead of standard Command-C copy. When you do Command-C copy Bike puts rich text, html, many formats on the pasteboard, but it seems that most apps choose one of the other formats.

Hope that gives you some good starting points.

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