Custom monospaced font for code blocks?

I think many of the problems brought up in this thread (still no way to change monospace font) are now fixed in the latest Bike preview release:

Sorry I was confused on content of this thread. What was fixed is now you can type uncomposed diacritics without crashing. It’s also less likely that diacritics will get clipped… if they are still getting clipped you should be able to fix the problem by choosing a bigger line height.

There still are problems caused by the font. Thinking about that.

Please try it out and let me know if there are still related problems.

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Hi again. Thanks for all the great updates! I was wondering if you’ve thought any more about possible ways to use custom fonts for code blocks (I’m still mostly thinking about the issues described above in this thread when rendering decomposed stacked diacritics with the default monospace font …which I assume is still .AppleSystemUIFontMonospaced-Regular?).