Copy multiple selected items?

Hey, @jessegrosjean Thanks very much for your reply, and your continued help trying to find a solution to this. I very much appreciate it.

To step back a sec and give you some context, I’m trying using TaskPaper in conjunction with MarginNote (in the this instance), and so I’m aiming to copy discontiguous selections and then paste them with the following syntax: [hash-tagged-tag]+[SPACE]+[COMMA]+[SPACE]+[hash-tagged-tag]

It’s just the way MarginNote’s registers multiple hash-tagged-tags for its annotated notes.

Based on that syntax, would your suggested approach work?

Thank you again…

It sounds like an hour or so of scripting work to draft and test.

I’m going overseas mid-week, not aiming to be back for a week or two, so unlikely to be be able to undertake that for a while. Others might.

(Two macros and a style-sheet adjustment, perhaps packaged as a Keyboard Maestro palette for TaskPaper, I think)

The macros might be:

  • toggle named tag in all selected rows (e.g. perhaps toggle @selected)
  • copy all tagged lines and clear the tag

(and the stylesheet adjustment would create a selection-like background, perhaps a slightly different colour from the default selection background, for any row containing the special tag)

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