Bike: Row Types

Are this and the next point related?

It makes sense to me that the markdown script (unless very recent) doesn’t do anything special with row types yet.

I don’t see how that should make things crash…

Can you give me the exact series of steps to reproduce the crash. I have tried cmd+k, change row type, followed by Esc and that seems to work fine for me.

I think @complexpoint and I were confused when you said “markdown script”.

I think maybe instead you mean the markdown inspired patterns that are used by the “smart row types” feature in Bike 1.13. For example when you (@brienjohn) say “markdown script” you mean typing "1. " to get an ordered list I think. While @complexpoint and I were thinking you mean’t running an AppleScript that did some conversion between a Bike outline and Markdown formatted text.

Still trying to get to the bottom of the crash you mention. I see it in the video that you shared with me, but I can’t reproduce it. If anyone else has seen a crash when:

  1. Select some body text
  2. Use show formatting pallet
  3. Change type to heading
  4. Close formatting pallet (and see crash)

Please let me know. I’m still not able to reproduce such a crash, and I really need to be able to reproduce the crash to be able to fix it.

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Not seeing that here on macOS 13.5, Bike 1.13 (145)

(The error text seems to suggest a similar setup – Bike 145 and macOS 13.4)

A post was split to a new topic: Boshiamy text input problems

This should be working now in latest Bike preview release:

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