Bike: Row Types


I use a script that adds strikethrough and a @done(YYYY-MM-DD) “tag”. I think it’s posted on the Bike Extensions wiki, though I did use ChatGPT to translate that thing to AppleScript. Anyway, the original script doesn’t seem to apply any specific attribute to the row, just formats the text and appends the @done tag.

I have now replaced that script to toggle the “done” attribute and append the @done tag, which does as expected. But because there might be “native” tags coming in the future, I want to make sure the script doesn’t cause filtering problems down the road. Because ChatGPT built it after a few trials and errors, it might also be needlessly complex.

Any suggestions/words of caution? :smiley:

tell application "Bike"
	tell front document
		set selectedRow to selection row
		-- Get the current content of the selected row
		set currentContent to name of selectedRow
		-- Check for the presence of a data-done attribute
		set hasDoneAttribute to false
		set doneAttributeValue to ""
		repeat with attr in attributes of selectedRow
			if name of attr is "data-done" then
				set hasDoneAttribute to true
				set doneAttributeValue to value of attr
				exit repeat
			end if
		end repeat
		if hasDoneAttribute then
			-- If a data-done attribute is present, remove it
			delete attribute "data-done" of selectedRow
			-- Only attempt to remove the @done tag if the attribute's value is long enough to contain a date
			if (length of doneAttributeValue) ≥ 10 then
				set tagToRemove to " @done(" & text 1 thru 10 of doneAttributeValue & ")"
				if currentContent contains tagToRemove then
					set name of selectedRow to text 1 thru -((length of tagToRemove) + 1) of currentContent
				end if
			end if
			-- Get the current date in the desired format
			set currentDate to do shell script "date '+%Y-%m-%d'"
			set currentTimestamp to do shell script "date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'"
			-- Add the "data-done" attribute with the current timestamp value
			make new attribute with properties {name:"data-done", value:currentTimestamp} at selectedRow
			-- Append the "@done(YYYY-MM-DD)" tag to the content
			set doneTag to " @done(" & currentDate & ")"
			set name of selectedRow to currentContent & doneTag
		end if
	end tell
end tell