Bike links in Shortcuts?

I know far less about this than you, but yeah: It seems like there’s some underlying problem with the piping every shortcut dev has to use. :confused:

But when the Bike action is taking Markdown as input and is passing it to Bike as rich text, do you use a different method? Like this: :point_down:t2:

Because that works. Could you separate it out as a stand-alone action, and market yourself as “The only functioning Rich text shortcut action :sunglasses:”?

I’ve just posted Bike 176 that I think adds the missing piece for what you are trying to do. Now the edit rows action also takes markdown input.

But when the Bike action is taking Markdown as input and is passing it to Bike as rich text, do you use a different method?

Yes. In this case the Shortcuts machinery is just delivering me a plain markdown string, and it’s my application code that converts it from markdown to rich text. It seems to be the boundary between actions that (that must flow through shortcuts application) can’t handle rich text…

Although even that isn’t completely true. For example if I get rich text from a Bike row then it does also display as rich text in Shortcuts output. All very confusing, but I think there are definitely some bugs there that are not mine.

Yeah, that’s just what’s needed! 🫶🏻

Sadly I have everything in the Setapp version, so now it gets confused, heh… :sweat_smile: I have to migrate all the actions, and can’t just plug in the one(!) I need at the end.

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Guess that’s a good reason to buy a license directly. :wink: (But my original plan was to do that, but still use the Setapp version, so some money trickled your direction…)

What happens if you load in this? That one has actions from Setapp and Preview mixed… (I’m trying to make it shareable, so it’s interesting to know.)

I’m getting error on “New Bike - module”

Yeah, that’s because I haven’t given you that module, heh - but here it is.

My orginal question was if Shortcut app “noticed” that my actions came from two different sources. :slightly_smiling_face:

(But I think you should be able to create new Bike documents with the Hub shortcut + Bike module, even though I haven’t polished it yet. :wink: )

The minimum thing you have to do, is specify the save location of the different files within the modules.

But the idea is that you can plug in whatever you want, as long as it spits out [Title of new document Symbol](URL to new document).

I wonder if it works on your end! :grin:


Not sure :slight_smile:

I think I need the tutorial. You were going to write up a post? Maybe write it up, but before posting let me try to go through and see if it works for me. I’m sure it can be made to work if it’s working on your computer. But I’m not really understanding the results of what’s happening at this point.

Yeah, that sounds like a plan. I uninstalle the Setapp, so I only have the preview, and I found out that it broke a few things.

But now it’s working pretty well! I mean, look at this beauty:

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Well if you think this journey’s been fun get ready for Bike 2.0’s JavaScript based stylesheets! :slight_smile: Next week? Fingers crossed.

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Can’t wait! :cowboy_hat_face:

I’ll make a screen recording for a tutorial tomorrow, and you can then see if it the shortcut package works on your end? (When you get the time - won’t expect you to work during the weekend!)

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