Bike 1.9 (112)

Bike 1.9 (112) is now released and available on website and Mac App Store. Onto the next!


A small thing: I’d find “Wrap at Column xx” much more intuitive than “Wrap to Column xx”. (“Wrap to Window” is better than “Wrap at Window”, though.)

Maybe others can chime in. Thanks.

With the Google search engine, enclosing in phrasal double quotes:

“wrap to column” → 199,000 hits

“wrap at column” → 9,150 hits

More viscerally, I think I notice a slight resistance to wrapping at – it somehow seems to conjure an anomaly in the case of short lines, in which such a column is undefined.

(to seems more constructive – more about creating paragraphs with a target width)

(but, to be honest, no very strong feeling either way …)

Interesting. I have to say that if I think about it logically then “wrap at” makes more sense to me. On the other hand “wrap to” was the “obvious thing” that came to my mind … and I guess many other peoples according to Google.

I can go either way … need a tiebreaker response!

Given that, perhaps it would introduce noise to break the consistency ?

Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 18.26.56

(There may be cognitive efficiencies in an invariant pattern)