
I thought I had addressed this before, but I can’t locate where. Please forgive me if I am going over something I already mentioned but …

I know I have mentioned that TaskPaper could use some pagination code. Things like setting a page break and a footer and a header with page xx of xx would be nice.

But, this post is not about that. This is about how when I print out a dozen pages I have been working on, the bottom line on a page only prints half the line and runs off the lower margin of the page. The same thing happens at the top of the next page, getting only half of the first line printed with the other half disappearing in the upper print margin.

For some odd reason, yesterday I was no longer having the problem with the first and last lines truncating as I had in the past. Today, the problem has returned. I am not sure why but, if this could be looked at it would certainly be appreciated.

Just to mention it, my writing style is to work hard on the Mac writing and editing my document. Then from time to time I like to print a paper draft and use this for editing. I guess it’s the editor in me that still likes proofreading actual copy. Then, I return to the Mac and make the paper corrections. Rinse and repeat.

This is a different process than making a final version in Nisus. This use of TaskPaper needs to print without truncating lines in order to be useful. Yesterday I could do this in TaskPaper. Today with the truncated lines, I have to go to Nisus to print.

With TaskPaper I normally have to go to my word processor (Nisus) and print that way. This helps as I check formatting in a final version. But it would be very nice if I could print drafts from TaskPaper - so long as the margins stop cutting off sentences halfway.


Hum, yeah I remember something about this. It seems to be working (ie text not getting clipped in half) for me in my initial testing.

Can you include:

  • An example document the reproduces this problem
  • The stylesheet you are using
  • Your print settings (is it all default, or custom page size, etc)

Well, shucks. Or, yay … it isn’t doing it now. I had a whole bunch of old unused code in my print.less document. Cleaned that up and it is now working.

OTO I was using the same file the other day when I posted this so … not sure where the glitch is coming from.

I can’t send you what I am working on and I don’t want to stop and create several pages of lorem ipsum just to test what is working again.

If you want I can do this. But, it is working for now so … onward and upward.


My print.less file:

// -----------------------------------------
// – Sets Document Basics.
// -----------------------------------------

@text-color: mix(black, white, 90%);
@background-color: mix(white, white, 2%);
@invisibles-color: mix(@tint-color, @background-color, 10%);
@selection-color: mix(@tint-color, @background-color, 50%);
@tint-color: mix(white,white, 50%);

// -----------------------------------------
// – Sets Document Appearance.
// -----------------------------------------

window {
appearance: NSAppearanceNameVibrantLight;
editor {
guide-line-color: mix(white, white, 45%);
item {
handle-color: mix(white, white, .1%);
item[filtered] {
handle-color: mix(black, green, 80%);

// -----------------------------------------
// – Changes the Project Title Font.
// -----------------------------------------

color: mix(black,black, 50%);
paragraph-spacing-before: 5;
paragraph-spacing-after: 5;
font-size: 13;

// -----------------------------------------
// – Changes the Project Task Font.
// -----------------------------------------

item[data-type= task]{
color: mix(black,black, 50%);
paragraph-spacing-after: 5;
font-size: 13;

// -----------------------------------------
// – Changes the Project Note Font.
// -----------------------------------------

item[data-type=note] {
font-style: regular;
line-height-multiple: 1.2;
color: mix(black,black, 50%);
font-size: 12;
paragraph-spacing-after: 12;

// -----------------------------------------
// Describes Tags:
// First part, sets font for the tag itself,
// Second part, sets styles for the line the tag is on
// -----------------------------------------

// Changes the text preceding the tag to italics: “@i
item[data-i] {
color: mix(white,black, 30%);
font-style: italic;
// Changes the text of the tag “@i”.
run[tag=data-i] {
color: mix(black, white, 30%);

// -----------------------------------------

// Changes the text preceding the tag to bold: “@b
item[data-b] {
font-weight: bold;
// Changes the text of the tag “@b”.
run[tag=data-b] {
color: mix(black, white, 30%);

// -----------------------------------------

// Changes the text preceding the tag to underline: “@u
item[data-u] {
text-decoration: underline;
// Changes the text of the tag “@u”.
run[tag=data-u] {
color: mix(black, white, 30%);

// ----------------------------------------

item[data-done] {
color: mix(black, white, 40%);
paragraph-spacing-before: 1;
paragraph-spacing-after: 1;
font-size: 13;

run[content] {
text-strikethrough: NSUnderlineStyleSingle;
text-strikethrough- color: mix(black, lightblue, 25%);

Just a comment to say, its doing it again, putting out half clipped text at the top and bottom of printed pages. I don’t have time right now to trouble shoot this but I am seeing that the pagination (text flow across pages) is not consistent and is somewhat dependent on how I set line spacing and or font size. Right now I can get it working by looking at a preview and making changes, looking at another preview, making more changes, etc.

Pagination (text flow between pages) seems to be taking a back seat to how the text is set up to run on the page. Just my non programer perspective on this of course.

I also observe the the header and footer area, or vertical page margins, runs a bit too close to the top and bottom edges for my tastes. I am wondering if there was work put into setting the top and bottom areas for print so that you no longer got half clipped text, that work might also add page breaks, page numbering and possibly even, dare I say it, headers and footers for printed TaskPaper documents?

It might be nice when you have a printed TaskPaper list of todos, or a written draft, to have the document name somewhere at the top or bottom of the document.

In my writing and editing process I like to work for a while, then make a hard copy of a section I am working on, use a pen for editing what I wrote, make changes, and revise my TaskPaper document. It would be very nice to trust the TaskPaper printing environs for doing this, rather than transpose my work into a word processing document just for this purpose.

Too much to deal with right now but, I wanted to mention it before I forgot about it. Thanks.