How do I indent every other line in this JavaScript?

Hello all!

I am using a JavaScript that creates a specific project and tasks. I use this daily, to set up my regular practice sessions.

I want to indent every other line as a child, but my attempted use of \t is not working.

Currently, the script creates:

— Practice Sessions → 1/9:
	- Session A → 6:30—7:30 → Cards → 
	- Practice 1
	- Session B → 8:30—9:30 → Coins → 
	- Practice 2
	- Session C → 10:30—11:30 → Sleight-of-Hand → 
	- Practice 3

But I want it to be this:

— Practice Sessions → 1/9:
	- Session A → 6:30—7:30 → Cards → 
		- Practice 1
	- Session B → 8:30—9:30 → Coins → 
		- Practice 2
	- Session C → 10:30—11:30 → Sleight-of-Hand → 
		- Practice 3

Any ideas on how to do this?

The script:

function TaskPaperContext(editor, options) {
const d = new Date();
const dtd = d.getMonth() + 1 + "/" + (d.getDate() + 1);
    let outline = editor.outline
    let project = outline.createItem('— Practice Sessions → ' + dtd + ":")
        outline.createItem('- Session A → 6:30—7:30 → Cards → '),
        outline.createItem('- Practice 1'),
        outline.createItem('- Session B → 8:30—9:30 → Coins → '),
        outline.createItem('- Practice 2'),
        outline.createItem('- Session C → 10:30—11:30 → Sleight-of-Hand → '),
        outline.createItem('- Practice 3')
    let now = editor.outline.evaluateItemPath('project Now:')[0]
    now.parent.insertChildrenBefore(project, now)
    editor.moveSelectionToItems(project, 0, project, 0)

  script: TaskPaperContext.toString()

I think you need to build up the structure like this (note multiple calls to appendChildren instead of just one):

let sessionA = outline.createItem('- Session A → 6:30—7:30 → Gaming → ')
sessionA.appendChildren(outline.createItem('- Practice 1'))

let sessionB = outline.createItem('- Session B → 8:30—9:30 → TP Top Three → ')
sessionB.appendChildren(outline.createItem('- Practice 2'))

let project = outline.createItem('— Practice Sessions → ' + dtd + ":")
1 Like

You nailed it @jessegrosjean !

Thank you ever so much!

On the chance that this will help someone in the future, here is the completed script:

function TaskPaperContext(editor, options) {
const d = new Date();
const dtd = d.getMonth() + 1 + "/" + (d.getDate() + 1);
    let outline = editor.outline
let sessionA = outline.createItem('- Session A → 6:30—7:30 → Cards → ')
sessionA.appendChildren(outline.createItem('- Practice 1'))

let sessionB = outline.createItem('- Session B → 8:30—9:30 → Coins → ')
sessionB.appendChildren(outline.createItem('- Practice 2'))

let sessionC = outline.createItem('- Session C → 10:30—11:30 → Sleight-of-Hand → ')
sessionC.appendChildren(outline.createItem('- Practice 3'))

let project = outline.createItem('— Practice Sessions → ' + dtd + ":")
    let now = editor.outline.evaluateItemPath('project Now:')[0]
    now.parent.insertChildrenBefore(project, now)
    editor.moveSelectionToItems(project, 0, project, 0)

  script: TaskPaperContext.toString()

I should note that it adds the date for the next day (as I prepare the tasks the night before), and it places the project before a project named Now. You will have to edit that to be one of your own projects.

I hope that helps!

FWIW if you had various outlines of this kind, or wanted to reduce the effort of refactoring them when needs change, you could reduce the pattern to a general function like:

const newParentWithChildren = txt =>
    children => {
        const parent = outline.createItem(txt);


        return parent;

which can be applied over a nested list by a generic helper function (foldTree)

Expand disclosure triangle to view foldTree
const foldTree = f => {
    // A general bottom-up fold over a tree
    // connecting each node to the result of a
    // map over its children.
    const go = tree => f(

    return go;

The nested list format used there represents any node in the outline as a pair (list of two items) like ["text", []]


  • the first item is the node text
  • the second item is a list of any children (or an empty [] if there are no children), in the same format.

so here, for example:

    d = new Date(),
    nextMonth = 1 + d.getMonth(),
    nextDay = 1 + d.getDate(),
    dtd = `${nextMonth}/${nextDay}`;

const nesting = [
    `Practice Sessions → ${dtd}:`,
            "Session A → 6:30—7:30 → Cards →",
                ["Practice 1", []]
            "Session B → 8:30—9:30 → Coins →",
                ["Practice 2", []]
            "Session C → 10:30—11:30 → Sleight-of-Hand →",
                ["Practice 3", []]
Expand disclosure triangle to view a working JS example
(() => {
    "use strict";

    const main = () => {
            d = new Date(),
            nextMonth = 1 + d.getMonth(),
            nextDay = 1 + d.getDate(),
            dtd = `${nextMonth}/${nextDay}`;

        const nesting = [
            `Practice Sessions → ${dtd}:`,
                    "Session A → 6:30—7:30 → Cards →",
                        ["Practice 1", []]
                    "Session B → 8:30—9:30 → Coins →",
                        ["Practice 2", []]
                    "Session C → 10:30—11:30 → Sleight-of-Hand →",
                        ["Practice 3", []]

        return Application("TaskPaper").documents[0]
                script: `${TaskPaperContext}`,
                withOptions: {

    // ---------------- TASKPAPER CONTEXT ----------------

    const TaskPaperContext = (editor, options) => {

        const newParentWithChildren = txt =>
            children => {
                const parent = outline.createItem(txt);


                return parent;

        const foldTree = f => {
            // A general bottom-up fold over a tree
            // connecting each node to the result of a
            // map over its children.
            const go = tree => f(

            return go;

            outline = editor.outline,
            now = outline.evaluateItemPath(
                "project Now:"

        return (

    return main();

(To further generalise and simplify creating/editing template outlines like these, you can, of course, also use a function which translates any indented text outline to that nested list structure)


Thank you @complexpoint !