Checking and preferences stickiness?

First, congratulations on shipping 1.0. I’m hooked on the app already, and looking forward to the various planned features as they are rolled out.

In the meantime, I wanted to ask about the preferences for Checking, as currently implemented. The novel Checking interface is really nice, but I wish my preferences would stick as defaults in my installation. Every new document seems to be created with a partially selected spell check selection (horizontal line - and I can’t figure out what that actually means for spell checking, because it doesn’t seem to catch any misspelled words) and an unselected grammar checker.

A small thing, but I’d love to have the fully-checked spell check stick on for all new files. Is this wrapped up in the plan to have full support for all the macOS text tools, like auto-correct spelling, text replacements etc.? Because it seems that the stickiness of Checking settings is usually handled via standard Edit >Checking (aka Spelling and Grammar) menu items that Bike does not currently have.