Search Project Name Error

I am scratching my head here. I have a specific search term that works for finding a first level Project by name and all of it’s sub sets.

I copied that search criteria and, changing only the project name, I tried to set up a new search. For some reason, the first term works perfectly. But the new search is showing the named project and several other projects in the found set.

I have gone over the TaskPaper document to make sure that the Projects are at the same level as the one that already was working. I used an existing search to edit the search criteria for the second “Project B”. Perhaps I need to delete that search and try as a new search? Nope, I just tried it as a new search and it is the same incorrect results as before.

Project A) “- New Habits”. Works with the search string:
“New Habits:” ///* except (@search union Searches///*)
Result is the Project name “New Habits:” and shows it’s sub sets.
This is correct.

Project B) “- Thoughts”. Works with the search string:
“Thoughts:” ///* except (@search union Searches///*)
Result is the Project name “Thoughts:” and shows it’s sub sets.
This is correct.
The results also shows a Project name of “Organization:” and all of it’s sub sets.
This is incorrect.

I cannot understand why this is not working? This is for focusing on a specific project.
I do not want more than the found set to be the result of the search.

Any ideas out there? Thanks.

SOLVED: Oops, the extra found set also had the word “Thoughts” in it. Duh. Fixed the problem. Never mind.

Just a small suggestion: In order to avoid problems like this, write your searches as specific as possible. So instead of

"New Habits:"

I would write

project "New Habits"

which is equivalent to

@type = project and "New Habits"

Worth considering, thanks.