Brett Terpstra on using TaskPaper in task management for coders

In case anyone hasn’t seen this:

Task management for coders


@mylevelbest, you should really check this out!

@complexpoint, thank you for the link!

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@Victor Thanks for thinking of me. I enjoy what Brett Terpstra does in general. I have a key macro that opens and/or re-positions nvAlt on the left half of a 21" iMac screen and sets my main TaskPaper document up on the right half of the screen.

I still don’t fully embrace the popular Markdown language, however many apps I enjoy seem to gather users in communities that also like using Markdown. I recently purchased a license for Brett Terpstra’s Marked 2 app, which is pretty useless for me as I have no Markdown coding in my writing (yet). I purchased it as it was on sale and I figured, nvAlt is such a great app and it is free, why not support that guy where I can?

As far as the linked example, I am most definitely NOT a heavy coding guy. I can do it when I have to. I built a hackintosh that way, and I created my own apps for a time with Panorama by Provue, but thinking in code does not sit well in my brain with the way I think of things. I think of coding as a sort of God-send/necessary-evil that I can use to highly tweak or create a process to make it easier for me in the way I like to do things.

I just picked up a license for Curio which is a sort of list making/ Mind Mapping/ Visually creative app. It may replace TaskPaper some day but, I doubt it. I am learning that the important thing is to let apps do what they are really good at. Even if they can do several things, why make things harder for myself if they play well with other apps that do things better in some areas already?

I like using Taskpaper. I also like using nvAlt for capturing random things, scratch pad for writing (this post), etc. I like to write articles, books, etc in Scrivener, Word, or Pages. Correspondence (letters), I write in Pages.

Pulling together all my ideas and my research is something that I was missing the space to accomplish. I am hopeful that Curio will fulfill this role in my workflow.

TaskPaper can do a lot, but trying to put every piece of everything I am doing crammed into one place can be counter productive - although that is my opinion, others may do this very well, it’s just that I don’t.

For example, Taskpaper reminds me that I need to stay focused on a book I am working on. And with that task in TaskPaper, I put a link to click on that will take me to that Curio file where I am working on the books organization and research. On that Curio document I will also link to the Scrivener or Word or whatever I am going to use to write my final draft in. Curio will also allow me to track my process in a project.